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Schneider, M. et al.: A new model for post-integration latency in macroglial cells to study HIV-1 reservoirs of the brain. Aids 29, 1147-1159 (2015)
Chiozzini, C.* et al.: Surface-bound Tat inhibits antigen-specific CD8+ T-cell activation in an integrin-dependent manner. Aids 28, 2189-2200 (2014)
Vincendeau, M. et al.: Control of HIV replication in astrocytes by a family of highly conserved host proteins with a common Rev-interacting domain (Risp). Aids 24, 2433-2442 (2010)
Rothenaigner, I. et al.: Long-term HIV-1 infection of neural progenitor populations. Aids 21, 2271-2281 (2007)
Sutter, G. & Haas, J.*: Novel vaccine delivery systems : Solutions to HIV vaccine dilemmas ?. Aids 15, 5, 139-145 (2001)
Goebel, F.-D.* et al.: Recombinant gp160 as a therapeutic vaccine for HIV-infection: results of a large randomized, controlled trial. Aids 13, 1461-1468 (1999)
Brack-Werner, R. et al.: Infection of human brain cells by HIV-1: Restricted virus production in chronically infected human glial cell lines. Aids 6, 273-285 (1992)
Kohleisen, B. et al.: Cellular localization of Nef expressed in persistently HIV-1-infected low-producer astrocytes. Aids 6, 1427-1436 (1992)
Marquart, K.H. ; Engst, R.H. & Oehlschlaegel, G.: An 8-year history of Kaposi's sarcoma in an HIV-negative bisexual man [8]. Aids 5, 346-348 (1991)
Werner, T. et al.: HIV-1 Nef protein exhibits structural and functional similarity to scorpion peptides interacting with K+ channels. Aids 5, 1301-1308 (1991)
Jager, H.C. ; Postma, M.J. ; Leidl, R. ; Majnoni d'Intignano, B. & Baert, A.E.: AIDS Impact Scenarios: Questions for the Years to come. Aids 4, 1166-1167 (1990)
Mellert, W.* et al.: Infection of human fibroblasts and osteoblast-like cells with HIV-1. Aids 4, 527-535 (1990)