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Jing, H.* et al.: Assessing airflow unsteadiness in the human respiratory tract under different expiration conditions. J. Biomech. 162:111910 (2023)
von Eisenhart-Rothe, R.* ; Vogl, T.* ; Englmeier, K.-H. & Graichen, H.*: A new in vivo technique for determination of femoro-tibial and femoro-patellar 3D kinematics in total knee arthroplasty. J. Biomech. 40, 3079-3088 (2007)
Graichen, H.* et al.: Effect of abducting and adducting muscle activity on glenohumeral translation, scapular kinematics and subacromial space width in vivo. J. Biomech. 38, 755-760 (2005)
Hinterwimmer, S.* et al.: In vivo contact areas of the knee in patients with patellar subluxation. J. Biomech. 38, 2095-2101 (2005)
von Eisenhart-Rothe, R.* et al.: A new in vivo technique for determination of 3D kinematics and contact areas of the patello-femoral and tibio-femoral joint. J. Biomech. 37, 927-934 (2004)
Eckstein, F.* ; Lemberger, B.* ; Stammberger, T. ; Englmeier, K.-H. & Reiser, M.*: Patellar cartilage deformation in vivo after static versus dynamic loading. J. Biomech. 33, 819-825 (2000)
Graichen, H.* et al.: Glenohumeral translation during active and passive elevation of the shoulder - a 3D open-MRI study. J. Biomech. 33, 609-613 (2000)
Herberhold, C.* et al.: In situ measurement of articular cartilage deformation in intact femoropatellar joints under static loading. J. Biomech. 32, 1287-1295 (1999)