PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


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Stylogiannis, A. ; Kousias, N.* ; Kontses, A.* ; Ntziachristos, L.* & Ntziachristos, V.: A low-cost optoacoustic sensor for environmental monitoring. Sensors 21:1379 (2021)
Yang, C.* et al.: Sensitivity enhanced photoacoustic imaging using a high-frequency PZT transducer with an integrated front-end amplifier. Sensors 20:766 (2020)
Lutzweiler, C. & Razansky, D.: Optoacoustic imaging and tomography: Reconstruction approaches and outstanding challenges in image performance and quantification. Sensors 13, 7345-7384 (2013)
Hense, B.A. ; Müller, J.* ; Kuttler, C.* & Hartmann, A.: Spatial heterogeneity of autoinducer regulation systems. Sensors 12, 4156-4171 (2012)
Scarpa, G.* ; Idzko, A.L. ; Yadav, A.* & Thalhammer, S.: Organic ISFET based on poly(3-hexylthiophene). Sensors 10, 2262-2273 (2010)