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Jourdan, C. et al.: Associations between thyroid hormones and serum metabolite profiles in an euthyroid population. Catal. Lett. 10, 152-164 (2014)
Schäfer, N.* et al.: Changes in metabolite profiles caused by genetically determined obesity in mice. Catal. Lett. 10, 461-472 (2014)
Wahl, S. et al.: Comparative analysis of plasma metabolomics response to metabolic challenge tests in healthy subjects and influence of the FTO obesity risk allele. Catal. Lett. 10, 386-401 (2014)
Yousri, N.A.* et al.: Long term conservation of human metabolic phenotypes and link to heritability. Catal. Lett. 10, 1005-1017 (2014)
Menni, C.* et al.: Targeted metabolomics profiles are strongly correlated with nutritional patterns in women. Catal. Lett. 9, 506-514 (2013)
Wahl, S. et al.: Metabolomics reveals determinants of weight loss during lifestyle intervention in obese children. Catal. Lett. 9, 1157-1167 (2013)
Schubert, R.* et al.: Metabolic monitoring and assessment of anaerobic threshold by means of breath biomarkers. Catal. Lett. 8, 1069-1080 (2012)
Zhao, X.* et al.: Metabonomic fingerprints of fasting plasma and spot urine reveal human pre-diabetic metabolic traits. Catal. Lett. 6, 362-374 (2010)
Welthagen, W. et al.: Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC x GC-TOF) for high resolution metabolomics: Biomarker discovery on spleen tissue extracts of obese NZO compared to lean C57BL/6 mice. Catal. Lett. 1, 65-73 (2005)