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Ratter-Rieck, J.M.* et al.: Omentin increases glucose uptake, but not insulin sensitivity in human myotubes dependent on extracellular lactotransferrin. Obes. Facts, DOI: 10.1159/000541915 (2024)
Sauerbrey, S.E.* et al.: Patient-related predictors for seeking and receiving obesity surgery. Obes. Facts 16, 447-456 (2023)
Vieira, D.B.* et al.: Suggestive evidence for an antidepressant effect of metreleptin treatment in patients with lipodystrophy. Obes. Facts 15, 685-693 (2022)
Wagner, I.V.* et al.: De-novo and depot-specific androgen production in human adipose tissue - a source of hyperandrogenism in women with obesity. Obes. Facts 15, 281-291 (2022)
von Schnurbein, J.* et al.: Leptin is not essential for obesity-associated hypertension. Obes. Facts 12, 460-475 (2019)
Giuranna, J.* et al.: The effect of SH2B1 variants on expression of leptin- and insulin-induced pathways in murine hypothalamus. Obes. Facts 11, 93-108 (2018)
Hellmuth, C.* et al.: Cord blood metabolome is highly associated with birth weight, but less predictive for later weight development. Obes. Facts 10, 85-100 (2017)
Mühlig, Y.* et al.: A structured, manual-based low-level intervention vs. treatment as usual evaluated in a randomized controlled trial for adolescents with extreme obesity - the STEREO trial. Obes. Facts 10, 341-352 (2017)
Haftenberger, M.* et al.: Changes in waist circumference among German adults over time - Compiling results of seven prospective cohort studies. Obes. Facts 9, 332-343 (2016)
Sailer, C. et al.: FTO genotype interacts with improvement in aerobic fitness on body weight loss during lifestyle intervention. Obes. Facts 9, 174-181 (2016)
Yates, N. et al.: The economic burden of obesity in Germany: Results from the population-based KORA studies. Obes. Facts 9, 397-409 (2016)
von Kries, R.* ; Müller, M.J.* & Heinrich, J.: Early prevention of childhood obesity: Another promise or a reliable path for battling childhood obesity? Obes. Facts 7, 77-81 (2014)
Müller, T.D. et al.: Fat mass and obesity-associated gene (FTO) in eating disorders: Evidence for association of the rs9939609 obesity risk allele with bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa. Obes. Facts 5, 408-419 (2012)
Wahl, S. et al.: Childhood obesity is associated with changes in the serum metabolite profile. Obes. Facts 5, 660-670 (2012)
Kleiser, C. et al.: Indicators of overweight and cardiovascular disease risk factors among 11- to 17-year-old boys and girls in Germany. Obes. Facts 4, 379-385 (2011)
Winter, Y.* et al.: Evaluation of the obesity genes FTO and MC4R and the type 2 diabetes mellitus gene TCF7L2 for contribution to stroke risk: The Mannheim-Heidelberg Stroke Study. Obes. Facts 4, 290-296 (2011)
Breitfelder, A. ; Wolfenstetter, S ; Wenig, C. ; Holle, R. & Leidl, R.: Economic assessment of obesity in children, adolescents and adults: Results from different surveys (KiGGS, GINI-plus/LISA-plus, KORA S3/F3). Obes. Facts 3, 59 (2010)
Rzehak, P. et al.: Associations between BMI and the FTO gene are age dependent: Results from the GINI and LISA birth cohort studies up to age 6 years. Obes. Facts 3, 173-180 (2010)
Wenig, C.M. ; Breitfelder, A. & Schaffrath-Rosario, A.*: Zusammenhang zwischen BMI und Kosten der ambulanten Versorgung von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland-Ergebnisse aus der KiGGS-Studie. Vortrag: 26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Adipositas-Gesellschaft, 4-6 November 2010, Berlin. (2010)