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Danzberger, J. et al.: Drought acclimation of beech seedlings depends largely on their rooting patterns and less on the fungal communities in soils. Plant Soil, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-024-06784-7 (2024)
Mucha, J.* ; Danzberger, J. ; Werner, R.* ; Pritsch, K. & Weikl, F.: Effects of rewatering on soil fungi and soil enzymes in a spruce-beech forest after a 5-year experimental drought. Plant Soil, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-024-06564-3 (2024)
Mucha, J.* ; Danzberger, J. ; Werner, R.* ; Pritsch, K. & Weikl, F.: Correction to: Effects of rewatering on soil fungi and soil enzymes in a spruce-beech forest after a 5-year experimental drought (Plant and Soil, (2024), 10.1007/s11104-024-06564-3). Plant Soil, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-024-06723-6 (2024)
Orth, N.* et al.: Linking soil characteristics, rhizosphere microbiome composition, and plant defence reaction to apple replant disease severity. Plant Soil, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-024-07091-x (2024)
Preece, C.* et al.: Combined effects of drought and simulated pathogen attack on root exudation rates of tomatoes. Plant Soil, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-023-06421-9 (2023)
Hallama, M.* et al.: The role of microbes in the increase of organic phosphorus availability in the rhizosheath of cover crops. Plant Soil 476, 353–373 (2022)
Obermeier, M. ; Minarsch, E.-M.L. ; Durai Raj, A.C. ; Rineau, F.* & Schröder, P.: Changes of soil-rhizosphere microbiota after organic amendment application in a Hordeum vulgare L. short-term greenhouse experiment. Plant Soil 455, 489–506 (2020)
Möller, B.* et al.: rhizoTrak: A flexible open source Fiji plugin for user-friendly manual annotation of time-series images from minirhizotrons. Plant Soil 444, 519-534 (2019)
Varanini, Z.* et al.: Nitrate induction and physiological responses of two maize lines differing in nitrogen use efficiency: Effects on N availability, microbial diversity and enzyme activity in the rhizosphere. Plant Soil 422, 331–347 (2018)
Meneses, C.* et al.: Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus exopolysaccharide protects bacterial cells against oxidative stress in vitro and during rice plant colonization. Plant Soil 416, 1-15 (2017)
Nickel, U.T. et al.: Nitrogen fertilisation reduces sink strength of poplar ectomycorrhizae during recovery after drought more than phosphorus fertilisation. Plant Soil 419, 405–422 (2017)
Spielmann, F.M.* et al.: Isoprene and α-pinene deposition to grassland mesocosms. Plant Soil 410, 313-322 (2017)
Gschwendtner, S. ; Engel, M. ; Lueders, T. ; Buegger, F. & Schloter, M.: Nitrogen fertilization affects bacteria utilizing plant-derived carbon in the rhizosphere of beech seedlings. Plant Soil 407, 203-215 (2016)
Lehotai, N.* et al.: Nitro-oxidative stress contributes to selenite toxicity in pea (Pisum sativum L). Plant Soil 400, 107-122 (2016)
Bai, M.* et al.: Degradation kinetics of biochar from pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization in temperate soils. Plant Soil 372, 375-387 (2013)
Lyubenova, L. ; Kuhn, A.J.* ; Höltkemeier, A.* & Schröder, P.: Root exudation pattern of Typha latifolia L. plants after copper exposure. Plant Soil 370, 187-195 (2013)
Faubert, P. et al.: The shift in plant species composition in a subarctic mountain birch forest floor due to climate change would modify the biogenic volatile organic compound emission profile. Plant Soil 352, 199-215 (2012)
Fischer, D. et al.: Molecular characterisation of the diazotrophic bacterial community in uninoculated and inoculated field-grown sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) Plant Soil 356, 83-99 (2012)
Hartmann, A. ; Reis, V.M.* & Okon, Y.*: Obituary for Professor Robert Harza Burris. Plant Soil 356, 297-298 (2012)
Jha, B.* ; Gontia, I.* & Hartmann, A.: The roots of the halophyte Salicornia brachiata are a source of new halotolerant diazotrophic bacteria with plant growth-promoting potential. Plant Soil 356, 265-277 (2012)