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Weidle, U.H.* et al.: The role of micro RNAs in breast cancer metastasis: Preclinical Validation and potential therapeutic targets. Cancer Genomics Proteomics 15, 17-39 (2018)
Weidle, U.H.* ; Maisel, D.* & Eick, D.: Synthetic lethality-based targets for discovery of new cancer therapeutics. Cancer Genomics Proteomics 8, 159-171 (2011)
Hofmann, T.* et al.: New target genes for tumor-derived soluble factors in primary monocytes. Cancer Genomics Proteomics 1, 167-176 (2004)
Münz, M. et al.: The carcinoma-associated antigen EpCam induces glyxolase 1 resulting in enhanced methylglyoxal turnover. Cancer Genomics Proteomics 1, 241-248 (2004)