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Schreiber, S. et al.: Characterization of MHC class II-restricted t-cell receptors for t-cell therapy of HBV infection. Cytotherapy 21, S10-S10 (2019)
Geiger, S.* et al.: Amelioration of lung function and pulmonary tissue regeneration after treatment with AAT-expressing human MSCS in a murine model of elastase-induced emphysema. Cytotherapy 19, S23-S24 (2017)
Wisskirchen, K. et al.: Functional characterization of OF HBV-specific T cell receptors for redirection of T cells against HBV-infected hepatocytes. Cytotherapy 18, S15-S16 (2016)
Anderson, K.* et al.: Third generation autologous myeloid-derived dendritic cells developed from patients with CMML and MDS demonstrate phenotypic properties of mature functional dendritic cells. Cytotherapy 16, S24-S25 (2014)
Krebs, K.M. et al.: T cells redirected by a chimeric antigen receptor recognizing HBSAG efficiently control hbv in vivo in transgenic mice. Cytotherapy 16, S9 (2014)
Odendahl, M.* et al.: Clinical-scale isolation of 'minimally manipulated' cytomegalovirus-specific donor lymphocytes for the treatment of refractory cytomegalovirus disease. Cytotherapy 16, 1245-1256 (2014)
Ostronoff, L.K.* et al.: Canine stem cell factor augments expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 by CD34 cells. Cytotherapy 10, 193-202 (2008)