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Yu, Z.* et al.: HiFi-Syn: Hierarchical granularity discrimination for high-fidelity synthesis of MR images with structure preservation. Med. Image Anal. 100:103390 (2024)
Wright, R.* et al.: Fast fetal head compounding from multi-view 3D ultrasound. Med. Image Anal. 89:102793 (2023)
Ayhan, M.S.* et al.: Clinical validation of saliency maps for understanding deep neural networks in ophthalmology. Med. Image Anal. 77:102364 (2022)
Bilic, P.* et al.: The Liver Tumor Segmentation Benchmark (LiTS). Med. Image Anal. 84:102680 (2022)
Li, L.* ; Zimmer, V.A.* ; Schnabel, J.A. & Zhuang, X.*: AtrialJSQnet: A New framework for joint segmentation and quantification of left atrium and scars incorporating spatial and shape information. Med. Image Anal. 76:102303 (2022)
Li, L.* ; Zimmer, V.A.* ; Schnabel, J.A. & Zhuang, X.*: Medical image analysis on left atrial LGE MRI for atrial fibrillation studies: A review. Med. Image Anal. 77:102360 (2022)
Zimmer, V.A.* et al.: Placenta segmentation in ultrasound imaging: Addressing sources of uncertainty and limited field-of-view. Med. Image Anal. 83:102639 (2022)
Baur, C.* ; Denner, S.* ; Wiestler, B.* ; Navab, N.* & Albarqouni, S.: Autoencoders for unsupervised anomaly segmentation in brain MR images: A comparative study. Med. Image Anal. 69:101952 (2021)
Sekuboyina, A.* et al.: VERSE: A Vertebrae labelling and segmentation benchmark for multi-detector CT images. Med. Image Anal. 73:102166 (2021)
Peter, L.* et al.: Assisting the examination of large histopathological slides with adaptive forests. Med. Image Anal. 35, 655-668 (2016)
Pontabry, J. ; Rousseau, F.* ; Studholme, C.* ; Koob, M.* & Dietemann, J.L.*: A discriminative feature selection approach for shape analysis: Application to fetal brain cortical folding. Med. Image Anal. 35, 313-326 (2016)
Eslami, A. ; Karamalis, A.* ; Katouzian, A.* & Navab, N.*: Segmentation by retrieval with guided random walks: Application to left ventricle segmentation in MRI. Med. Image Anal. 17, 236-253 (2013)
Kirişli, H.A.* et al.: Standardized evaluation framework for evaluating coronary artery stenosis detection, stenosis quantification and lumen segmentation algorithms in computed tomography angiography. Med. Image Anal. 17, 859-876 (2013)
Vogel, J.* ; Lasser, T. ; Gardiazabal, J.* & Navab, N.*: Trajectory optimization for intra-operative nuclear tomographic imaging. Med. Image Anal. 17, 723-731 (2013)