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Kecorius, S. et al.: Aerosol particle number concentration, ultrafine particle number fraction, and new particle formation measurements near the international airports in Berlin, Germany - First results from the BEAR study. Environ. Int. 193:109086 (2024)
Ma, Y.* et al.: Air pollution changes due to COVID-19 lockdowns and attributable mortality changes in four countries. Environ. Int. 187:108668 (2024)
Schneider, E. et al.: Pinewood VOC emissions protect from oxazolone-induced inflammation and dysbiosis in a mouse model of atopic dermatitis. Environ. Int. 192:109035 (2024)
Wen, B.* et al.: Comparison for the effects of different components of temperature variability on mortality: A multi-country time-series study. Environ. Int. 187:108712 (2024)
Zhang, Y.D.* et al.: Greenspace and human microbiota: A systematic review. Environ. Int. 187:108662 (2024)
Cole-Hunter, T.* et al.: Long-term air pollution exposure and Parkinson's disease mortality in a large pooled European cohort: An ELAPSE study. Environ. Int. 171:107667 (2023)
Cole-Hunter, T.* et al.: Reply to Rumrich and colleagues (What does "Parkinson's disease mortality" mean?). Environ. Int. 173:107853 (2023)
de Bont, J.* et al.: Mixtures of long-term exposure to ambient air pollution, built environment and temperature and stroke incidence across Europe. Environ. Int. 179:108136 (2023)
Dilger, M.* et al.: Systems toxicology of complex wood combustion aerosol reveals gaseous carbonyl compounds as critical constituents. Environ. Int. 179:108169 (2023)
He, C. et al.: Cause-specific accidental deaths and burdens related to ambient heat in a warming climate: A nationwide study of China. Environ. Int. 180:108231 (2023)
He, C. et al.: Projections of excess deaths related to cold spells under climate and population change scenarios: A nationwide time series modeling study. Environ. Int. 178:108034 (2023)
Markevych, I. et al.: Residential greenspace and lung function decline over 20 years in a prospective cohort: The ECRHS study. Environ. Int. 178:108036 (2023)
Ni, W. et al.: Associations between medium- and long-term exposure to air temperature and epigenetic age acceleration. Environ. Int. 178:108109 (2023)
Rai, M. et al.: Heat-related cardiorespiratory mortality: Effect modification by air pollution across 482 cities from 24 countries. Environ. Int. 174:107825 (2023)
Schwarz, M. et al.: Impact of ultrafine particles and total particle number concentration on five cause-specific hospital admission endpoints in three German cities. Environ. Int. 178:108032 (2023)
Stafoggia, M.* et al.: Comparing "causal" and "traditional" approaches in the association of long-term exposure to ambient air pollution on mortality: How sensitive are the results? Environ. Int. 174:107872 (2023)
Stafoggia, M.* et al.: Joint effect of heat and air pollution on mortality in 620 cities of 36 countries. Environ. Int. 181:108258 (2023)
Zhang, S. et al.: Assessment of short-term heat effects on cardiovascular mortality and vulnerability factors using small area data in Europe. Environ. Int. 179:108154 (2023)
Andersen, Z.J.* et al.: Long-term exposure to air pollution and mortality from dementia, psychiatric disorders, and suicide in a large pooled European cohort: ELAPSE study. Environ. Int. 170:107581 (2022)
Bereziartua, A.* et al.: Exposure to surrounding greenness and natural-cause and cause-specific mortality in the ELAPSE pooled cohort. Environ. Int. 166:107341 (2022)