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Flammenkamp, E. ; Ludwig, E.M. ; Risse, U. & Kettrup, A.: Evaluation of the feasibility of preparing a reference material: Active charcoal tubes charged with benzene, toluene and m-xylene. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 347, 230-232 (1993)
Günther, W.J. ; Lintelmann, J. ; Rose, E. & Kettrup, A.: Behaviour of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and triazine herbicides in water and aquifer material of a drinking water recharge plant - Part III. Investigations of the behaviour of triazine herbicides during the underground passage. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 347, 37-43 (1993)
Keune, H. & Delve, M.: Reference materials: global harmonization and the assurance of data quality. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 345, 254-255 (1993)
Lintelmann, J. ; Mengel, C. & Kettrup, A.: Determination of triazine-herbicides in drinking water by a HPLC column switching technique. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 346, 752-756 (1993)
Oxynos, K. ; Schladot, J.D.* ; Schmitzer, J.L. ; Backhaus, F.W.* & Kettrup, A.: Characterisation of chlorinated hydrocarbons in a third generation candidate fish reference material (Limanda limanda) prepared under cryogenic conditions. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 345, 238-239 (1993)
Bunzl, K.W. & Kracke, W.: Determination of 129I in large soil samples after alkaline wet disintegration. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 343, 505-508 (1992)
Filser, J.G.: Risk estimation for chemical carcinogens. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 343, 30-31 (1992)
Zanco, M. ; Pfister, G. & Kettrup, A.: Determination of fluazifop-butyl and fluazifop with the use of disposable solid phase extraction columns for selective clean-up and concentration of Soxhlet soil extracts. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 344, 345-349 (1992)
Rosner, G. ; Hötzl, H. & Winkler, R.A.: Simultaneous radiochemical determination of plutonium, strontium, uranium, and iron nuclides and application to atmospheric deposition and aerosol samples. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 338, 606-609 (1990)
Hengstmann, R.* ; Hamann, R.* ; Weber, H.P.* & Kettrup, A.: Comparison of different methods of extraction for the determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins in soil. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 335, 982-986 (1989)
Parlar, H.A.* ; Becker, F. ; Müller, R.F. & Lach, G.*: Elimination of interfering compounds during GC determination of toxaphene residues by photodechlorination reactions. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 331, 804-810 (1988)
Schmidt, W.F. & Dietl, F.: Determination of beryllium in plants by means of flameless atomic absorption with zirconium-coated and non-coated graphite tubes. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 329, 853-855 (1988)
Clausen, E. ; Lahaniatis, E.S. ; Bahadir, M.A. & Bieniek, D.: Bestimmung von bromierten Dibenzofuranen, die bei der Thermolyse von Polymeren mit Decabromdiphenylether als Flammschutzmittel gebildet werden. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 327, 297-300 (1987)
Muntau, H.* ; Crößmann, G.* ; Schramel, P. ; Gallorini, M.* & Orvini, E.*: Trace and nutrient element transfer from sewage sludge-amended soil to crop - A study on Brassica oleracea. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 326, 634-635 (1987)
Schmidt, W.F. & Dietl, F.: Determination of beryllium in soils by means of flameless atomic absorption with zirconium-coated graphite tubes. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 326, 40-42 (1987)
Schramel, P. ; Lill, G. & Seif, R.: HF-Totalaufschluß im geschlossenen System für Element- und Spurenelementbestimmungen in Boden, Klärschlamm, Sedimenten u. ä. Proben. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 326, 135-138 (1987)
Schramel, P. ; Hasse, S. & Knapp, G.*: Einsatz des Hochdruckveraschers HPA nach Knapp [1] für die voltammetrische Bestimmung von Spurenelementen in biologischem Material. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 326, 142-145 (1987)
Xu, Y. ; Lorenz, W.G. ; Pfister, G. ; Bahadir, M.A. & Korte, F.: Residue analysis of triazine herbicides in soil: Comparison of a capillary gas chromatographic and a high-performance liquid chromatographic method. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 325, 377-380 (1986)