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Gippert, S.* et al.: Exome sequencing (ES) of a pediatric cohort with chronic endocrine diseases: A single-center study (within the framework of the TRANSLATE-NAMSE project). Endocrine, DOI: 10.1007/s12020-023-03581-7 (2023)
Sigala, S.* et al.: An update on adrenocortical cell lines of human origin. Endocrine 77, 432-437 (2022)
Bliziotis, N.G.* et al.: Pre- versus post-operative untargeted plasma nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy metabolomics of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. Endocrine, DOI: 10.1007/s12020-021-02858-z (2021)
di Giuseppe, R.* et al.: Metabolomics signature associated with circulating serum selenoprotein P levels. Endocrine 64, 486-495 (2019)
Borsari, S.* et al.: Loss of p27 expression is associated with MEN1 gene mutations in sporadic parathyroid adenomas. Endocrine 55, 386-397 (2017)
Böhm, A. ; Weigert, C. ; Staiger, H. & Häring, H.-U.: Exercise and diabetes: Relevance and causes for response variability. Endocrine 51, 390-401 (2016)
Naves, L.A.* et al.: Aggressive tumor growth and clinical evolution in a patient with X-linked acro-gigantism syndrome. Endocrine 51, 236-244 (2015)
Sambugaro, S.* et al.: Early onset acromegaly associated with a novel deletion in CDKN1B 5'UTR region. Endocrine 49, 58-64 (2015)