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Kraus, K.M. et al.: Dosiomics and radiomics-based prediction of pneumonitis after radiotherapy and immune checkpoint inhibition: The relevance of fractionation. Lung Cancer 189:107507 (2024)
Finke, I.* et al.: Socioeconomic differences and lung cancer survival in Germany: Investigation based on population-based clinical cancer registration. Lung Cancer 142, 1-8 (2020)
Murawski, M. ; Walter, J. & Schwarzkopf, L.: Assessing the lung cancer comorbidome: An analysis of German claims data. Lung Cancer 127, 122-129 (2018)
Schwarzkopf, L. et al.: Cost-components of lung cancer care within the first three years after initial diagnosis in context of different treatment regimens. Lung Cancer 90, 274-280 (2015)