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Nguyen, X.T.A.* et al.: MFSD7c functions as a transporter of choline at the blood-brain barrier. Cell Res. 34, 245-257 (2024)
Aldrovandi, M. & Conrad, M.: Publisher Correction: Ferroptosis: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Cell Research, (2020), 30, 12, (1061-1062), 10.1038/s41422-020-00434-0). Cell Res., DOI: 10.1038/s41422-021-00548-z (2021)
Aldrovandi, M. & Conrad, M.: Ferroptosis: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Cell Res. 30, 1061-1062 (2020)
Conrad, M. & Proneth, B.: Broken hearts: Iron overload, ferroptosis and cardiomyopathy. Cell Res. 29, 263-264 (2019)
Zou, C.* et al.: A high-quality genome assembly of quinoa provides insights into the molecular basis of salt bladder-based salinity tolerance and the exceptional nutritional value. Cell Res. 27, 1327-1340 (2017)