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Aleksovska, K.* et al.: Correction to: Biological determinants of physical activity across the life course: a “Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity” (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review (Sports Medicine - Open, (2019), 5, 1, (2), 10.1186/s40798-018-0173-9). Sports Med. Open 6:60 (2020)
Schranner, D.* ; Kastenmüller, G. ; Schönfelder, M.* ; Römisch-Margl, W. & Wackerhage, H.*: Metabolite concentration changes in humans after a bout of exercise: A systematic review of exercise metabolomics studies. Sports Med. Open 6:11 (2020)
Aleksovska, K.* et al.: Biological determinants of physical activity across the life course: A “determinants of diet and physical activity” (dedipac) umbrella systematic literature review. Sports Med. Open 5:2 (2019)