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Ćomić, J.* et al.: Trio exome sequencing in VACTERL association. Kidney Int. Rep., DOI: 10.1016/j.ekir.2024.12.006 (2025)
Ganji-Arjenaki, M.* et al.: Prioritization of kidney cell types highlights myofibroblast cells in regulating human blood pressure. Kidney Int. Rep. 9, 1849-1859 (2024)
Lau, L.H.Y. et al.: Prospective study of associations between testosterone, mortality, and health outcomes among adults undergoing hemodialysis. Kidney Int. Rep. 8, 1875-1878 (2023)
Mahling, M. et al.: Acute kidney allograft injury following vitamin C administration for septic shock. Kidney Int. Rep. 5, 2114-2118 (2020)