PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


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Chen, H.* et al.: Omega-3 fatty acids attenuate cardiovascular effects of short-term exposure to ambient air pollution. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 19:12 (2022)
Chou, W.C.* et al.: Development of a multi-route physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model for nanomaterials: A comparison between a traditional versus a new route-specific approach using gold nanoparticles in rats. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 19:47 (2022)
Madueno, L.* et al.: A novel in-situ method to determine the respiratory tract deposition of carbonaceous particles reveals dangers of public commuting in highly polluted megacity. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 19:61 (2022)
Cosnier, F.* et al.: Retained particle surface area dose drives inflammation in rat lungs following acute, subacute, and subchronic inhalation of nanomaterials. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 18:29 (2021)
Danielsen, P.H.* et al.: Nanomaterial- and shape-dependency of TLR2 and TLR4 mediated signaling following pulmonary exposure to carbonaceous nanomaterials in mice. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 18:40 (2021)
Ding, Y. et al.: Quartz crystal microbalances (QCM) are suitable for real-time dosimetry in nanotoxicological studies using VITROCELL®Cloud cell exposure systems. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 17:44 (2020)
Halappanavar, S.* et al.: Adverse outcome pathways as a tool for the design of testing strategies to support the safety assessment of emerging advanced materials at the nanoscale. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 17:16 (2020)
Ihantola, T.* et al.: Influence of wood species on toxicity of log-wood stove combustion aerosols: A parallel animal and air-liquid interface cell exposure study on spruce and pine smoke. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 17:27 (2020)
Kreyling, W.G. et al.: Quantitative biokinetics over a 28 day period of freshly generated, pristine, 20 nm silver nanoparticle aerosols in healthy adult rats after a single 11/2-hour inhalation exposure. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 17:21 (2020)
Kreyling, W.G. et al.: Quantitative biokinetics over a 28day period of freshly generated, pristine, 20 nm titanium dioxide nanoparticle aerosols in healthy adult rats after a single two-hour inhalation exposure. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 16:29 (2019)
Riediker, M.* et al.: Particle toxicology and health - where are we? Part. Fibre Toxicol. 16:19 (2019)
Riediker, M.* et al.: Particle toxicology and health - where are we? (vol 16, 19, 2019). Part. Fibre Toxicol. 16:26 (2019)
Zhang, S. et al.: Short-term effects of fine particulate matter and ozone on the cardiac conduction system in patients undergoing cardiac catheterization. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 15:38 (2018)
Ganguly, K.* et al.: Early pulmonary response is critical for extra-pulmonary carbon nanoparticle mediated effects: Comparison of inhalation versus intra-arterial infusion exposures in mice.   Part. Fibre Toxicol. 14:19 (2017)
Konduru, N.V.* et al.: Protein corona: Implications for nanoparticle interactions with pulmonary cells. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 14:42 (2017)
Sattler, C. et al.: Nanoparticle exposure reactivates latent herpesvirus and restores a signature of acute infection. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 14:2 (2017)
Schmid, O. & Cassee, F.R.*: On the pivotal role of dose for particle toxicology and risk assessment: exposure is a poor surrogate for delivered dose. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 14:52 (2017)
Chen, S. et al.: No involvement of alveolar macrophages in the initiation of carbon nanoparticle induced acute lung inflammation in mice. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 13:33 (2016)
Pedata, P.* et al.: "Are we forgetting the smallest, sub 10 nm combustion generated particles?" Part. Fibre Toxicol. 12:34 (2015)
Peters, A. et al.: Elevated particle number concentrations induce immediate changes in heart rate variability: A panel study in individuals with impaired glucose metabolism or diabetes. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 12:7 (2015)