Ceilometers are applied to detect layering of the lower atmosphere continuously. This is necessary because not only wind speeds and directions but also atmospheric layering and especially the mixing layer height (MLH) influence exchange processes of ground level emissions. It will be discussed how the ceilometer monitoring information can be used to determine the MLH influence upon the particle size distribution (PSD) which is detected near the ground. The information about atmospheric layering is continuously monitored by uninterrupted remote sensing measurements with the Vaisala ceilometers LD40 and CL31 which are eye-safe commercial lidar systems. Special software for these ceilometers provides routine retrievals of lower atmosphere layering from vertical profiles of laser backscatter data. The meteorological data are collected by the air pollution monitoring station of the Bavarian State Agency of Environment (LfU) at the southern edge of Augsburg and at the airport at the northern edge of Augsburg by the German National Meteorological Service (DWD). PSD are measured at the aerosol measurement station in the centre of Augsburg by the Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg (KORA). The two intensive measurement periods during the winter 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 are studied. The weather situations are characterized, the meteorological influences upon air pollutant concentrations like wind speed and wind direction are studied and the correlations of ceilometer backscatter densities and MLH with PSD are determined.