Relaxation parameters such as longitudinal relaxation are susceptible to artifacts such as spin diffusion, and can be affected by paramagnetic impurities as e.g. oxygen, which make a quantitative interpretation difficult. We present here the site-specific measurement of [1H]13C and [1H]15N heteronuclear rates in an immobilized protein. For methyls, a strong effect is expected due to the three-fold rotation of the methyl group. Quantification of the [1H]13C heteronuclear NOE in combination with 13C-R1 can yield a more accurate analysis of side chain motional parameters. The observation of significant [1H]15N heteronuclear NOEs for certain backbone amides, as well as for specific asparagine/glutamine sidechain amides is consistent with MD simulations. The measurement of site-specific heteronuclear NOEs is enabled by the use of highly deuterated microcrystalline protein samples in which spin diffusion is reduced in comparison to protonated samples.