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Zielonka, M.* ; Xia, J.J.* ; Friedel, R.H. ; Offermanns, S.* ; Worzfeld, T.*

A systematic expression analysis implicates Plexin-B2 and its ligand Sema4C in the regulation of the vascular and endocrine system.

Exp. Cell Res. 316, 2477-2486 (2010)
Open Access Green möglich sobald Postprint bei der ZB eingereicht worden ist.
Plexins serve as receptors for semaphorins and play important roles in the developing nervous system. Plexin-B2 controls decisive developmental programs in the neural tube and cerebellum. However, whether Plexin-B2 also regulates biological functions in adult nonneuronal tissues is unknown. Here we show by two methodologically independent approaches that Plexin-B2 is expressed in discrete cell types of several nonneuronal tissues in the adult mouse. In the vasculature, Plexin-B2 is selectively expressed in functionally specialized endothelial cells. In endocrine organs, Plexin-B2 localizes to the pancreatic islets of Langerhans and to both cortex and medulla of the adrenal gland. Plexin-B2 expression is also detected in certain types of immune and epithelial cells. In addition, we report on a systematic comparison of the expression patterns of Plexin-B2 and its ligand Sema4C, which show complementarity or overlap in some but not all tissues. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Plexin-B2 and its family member Plexin-B1 display largely nonredundant expression patterns. This work establishes Plexin-B2 and Sema4C as potential regulators of the vascular and endocrine system and provides an anatomical basis to understand the biological functions of this ligand-receptor pair.
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Publikationstyp Artikel: Journalartikel
Dokumenttyp Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
Schlagwörter Plexin; Semaphorin; Plexin-B1; Plexin-B2; Sema4C; Sema4D
ISSN (print) / ISBN 1090-2422
e-ISSN 0014-4827
Quellenangaben Band: 316, Heft: 15, Seiten: 2477-2486 Artikelnummer: , Supplement: ,
Verlag Academic Press
Verlagsort Orlando, Fla.
Nichtpatentliteratur Publikationen
Begutachtungsstatus Peer reviewed