Photodegradation of carbetamide ((R)-1-(ethylcarbamoyl)ethyl carbanilate) and metoxuron (3-(3-chloro-4-methoxyphenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, titanium dioxide and ozone was investigated with ultraviolet radiations (λ > 290 nm). Several photoproducts were isolated and identified by spectrometric methods. The results suggest that the degradation pathways of these compounds in the presence of UV-H2O2 and UV-TiO2 are hydroxylations of the aromatic ring. UV-ozonation rapidly photooxidized all pesticides. The opening of the aromatic rings was observed, producing lower molecular weight carboxylic acids. Further photooxidation converts the acids to CO2, H2O, HCl and NH3.