The variability of the sorption properties (characterized by the distribution coefficient K(d)) of a forest soil for Cs, Zn, Sr, Co, Cd, Ce, Ru, Tc, and I were determined along a transect of 150 m in regular intervals of 3 m. Radioactive tracers were used to ensure trace concentrations of these elements. For comparison, for each soil sample the loss on ignition, as a measure of the soil organic matter content, and the pH were also determined. On average, the K(d) values increase in the sequence Tc < I < Ru ~ Co ~ Zn ~ Sr < Cd < Ce < Cs; the spatial variability in the sequence I < Zn ~ Sr ~ Co ~ Cd ~ Ru ~ Tc < Cs, and I ~ Ce < Tc. Correlation analysis revealed that, when moving along the transect, the K(d) values for some elements changed in a similar, and for others in a dissimilar pattern. In a few cases a correlation between the pH or the loss on ignition and the K(d) values was also present. The spatial structure of the data was examined by semivariograms. For the elements Co, Cd, Zn, and Sr, the K(d) values showed an almost periodic behaviour along the transect, which is probably due to periodic changes of some soil properties in a forest with regularly spaced trees. | The variability of the sorption properties (characterized by the distribution coefficient Kd) of a forest soil for Cs, Zn, Sr, Co, Cd, Ce, Ru, Tc, and I were determined along a transect of 150 m in regular intervals of 3 m. Radioactive tracers were used to ensure trace concentrations of these elements. For comparison, for each soil sample the loss on ignition, as a measure of the total organic matter content, and the pH were also determined. Correlation analysis revealed that, when moving along the transect, the Kd values for some elements changed in a similar, and for others in a dissimilar pattern. In a few cases a correlation between the pH or the loss on ignition and the K d values was also present. The spatial structure of the data was examined by semivariograms.