After the enrichment of beryllium by an extraction of digested soils with acetylacetone/benzene in the presence of EDTA and a subsequent reextraction with nitric acid, this element can be determined by means of flameless atomic absorption without interferences, when zirconiumcoated graphite tubes are used as electrothermal atomizers. In this case the coextracted amounts of aluminium and iron do no interfere. Investigations of interferences were also carried out with non-coated and pyrographite coated tubes. It could be shown that even small amounts of coextracted aluminium interfered remarkably with beryllium. Recovery analyses confirmed that the whole analytical procedure was quantitative. The detection limit of beryllium was found to be 1.5 μg/l reextract. As an example, three different types of soil were analyzed: Parabrown soil, Ranker and Peat-bog.