A standardized, feasible test system for assessing the environmental behavior of chemicals in ecotoxicological terms and for setting up priority lists was described earlier. 14C chemicals were used in environmentally relevant concentrations. The bioaccumulation potential of chemicals was determined from tests with algae and fish; mammalian retention and elimination were investigated in a test with rats. Information about biodegradability, metabolism, accumulation, and bound residues was provided by the activated sludge test, while the possibility of photomineralization of the organic compounds was studied by irradiation with uv light of wavelength above 290 nm. The presentation of the data is by ranking in tables: they are either ranked in order of decreasing accumulation in the algae, fish, rat, and activated sludge tests (lipophilic substances such as hexachlorobenzene, chlorinated biphenyls, aldrin, etc., displaying the highest accumulation, are on top of the lists); or they are ranked in order of increasing degradability in the activated sludge and photomineralization tests (the most persistent chemicals thus again are on the top of the list). The data obtained from the accumulation tests are correlated with respective physicochemical properties of the chemicals and the results of the tests are compared with one another for ecotoxicological profile assessment.