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Pollen, Allergene, Schimmelsporen und Bakterien in der Außenluft.

Pollen, allergens, mould and bacteria in ambient air.

Allergologie 38, 590-596 (2015)
Allergic diseases are on the rise since decades. Despite many years of research it is still unclear which environmental factors are mainly responsible for this continuous increasing incidence of allergic sensitizations. There is evidence on a protective role of biological components in a selected group of farm children with barn contact. Besides this, the effects of biological exposure on allergic diseases in comparison to chemical exposure are poorly investigated. This is partly due to the fact that biological components in ambient air are insufficiently monitored. Pollen in ambient air is monitored, but the amount of allergen released per pollen varies 10-fold, from grass pollen even 20-fold. In addition, free, non-pollen bound allergens are detected. Bacteria in ambient air are not (or seldom) monitored, and molds to a limited extend. The monitoring of pollen and the allergic symptoms they provoke have progressed in recent years. Online symptom diaries, downloaded as apps, are available and make it possible to use allergic individuals as biological monitors for allergic symptoms and provide other allergic individuals with this information online. Online pollen monitors that provide close to real-time pollen concentrations are currently being tested. The monitoring of biological components in ambient air, like pollen and molds is mostly performed by volunteers. To guarantee continuity, homogeneity and completeness of data it would be preferable that pollen monitoring becomes a publically funded activity. Without a correct monitoring of biological exposure a primary prophylaxes of allergic diseases is not possible. To stop the allergy-epidemic this approach should be preferred.
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Publikationstyp Artikel: Journalartikel
Dokumenttyp Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
Schlagwörter Allergy ; Ambient Air ; Molds ; Pollen ; Thunderstorm
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0344-5062
e-ISSN 0344-5062
Zeitschrift Allergologie
Quellenangaben Band: 38, Heft: 12, Seiten: 590-596 Artikelnummer: , Supplement: ,
Verlag Dustri
Nichtpatentliteratur Publikationen
Begutachtungsstatus Peer reviewed