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Lennerz, B.S.* ; Moss, A.* ; von Schnurbein, J.* ; Bickenbach, A.* ; Bollow, E.* ; Brandt, S.* ; Luetke-Brintrup, D.* ; Mühlig, Y.* ; Neef, M.* ; Ose, C.* ; Remy, M.* ; Stark, R.G. ; Teuner, C.M. ; Wolters, B.* ; Kiess, W.* ; Scherag, A.* ; Reinehr, T.* ; Holl, R.W.* ; Holle, R. ; Wiegand, S.* ; Hebebrand, J.* ; Wabitsch, M.*

Do adolescents with extreme obesity differ according to previous treatment seeking behavior? The Youth with Extreme obesity Study (YES) cohort.

Int. J. Obes. 43, 103–115 (2018)
Verlagsversion DOI PMC
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Open Access Green möglich sobald Postprint bei der ZB eingereicht worden ist.
© 2018, Springer Nature Limited. Objectives: Adolescent extreme obesity is associated with somatic and psychiatric comorbidity, low quality of life, and social dysfunction. Nevertheless, few adolescents seek obesity treatment, thus many may elope appropriate care. We examine whether previous treatment seeking relates to disease burden, and whether previously non-treatment seeking adolescents accept diagnostic and therapeutic offers. This information is important to inform intervention strategies. Methods: The Youth with Extreme obesity Study (YES) is a prospective, multicenter cohort study. We developed a novel recruitment strategy to span medical and vocational ascertainment settings and directly compare previously treatment seeking and non-treatment seeking youth. Participants aged 14–24 years; BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 were enrolled at four medical- and one job centers. We present comorbidity and psycho-social baseline data by sex, obesity WHO grade I-III, and treatment-seeking status, defined as self-reported previous participation in a weight-loss program. Results: Of 431 participants, 47% were male; mean age 16.6 (standard deviation 2.3) years, BMI 39.2 (7.5) kg/m2. Somatic comorbidity increased with obesity grade, p < 0.05: hypertension (42, 55, 64%), dyslipidemia (28, 24, 37%,), dysglycemia (9, 19, 20%,), elevated transaminases (15, 26, 30%). Quality of life (EQ5 D) decreased (74, 71, 70). Rates of psychiatric disorders were stable: depression 11%, attention deficit disorder 6%, substance use disorder 2%, self-injurious behavior 5%, suicide attempt 3%. Only 63% (56, 64, 69%) reported previous treatment seeking. Acceptance of the diagnostic (89%) or therapeutic (28%) program, medical or psychosocial situation did not differ by treatment seeking status. Acceptance of the therapeutic program was generally low, but high at the job center (92%). Conclusion: Irrespective of previous treatment seeking, adolescent extreme obesity was associated with high comorbidity and psychosocial burden. Acceptance of the diagnostic program overall and the therapeutic program at the job center were high. This underscores the need of innovative, accessible programs beyond the currently offered care.
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Publikationstyp Artikel: Journalartikel
Dokumenttyp Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0307-0565
e-ISSN 1476-5497
Quellenangaben Band: 43, Heft: , Seiten: 103–115 Artikelnummer: , Supplement: ,
Verlag Nature Publishing Group
Nichtpatentliteratur Publikationen
Begutachtungsstatus Peer reviewed