An approach based on track-structure calculations has been developed to take account of artefacts occurring during γ-H2AX foci detection in 2D images of samples analyzed through immunocytochemistry. The need of this works stems from the observed saturation in foci yields measured after X-ray doses higher than few grays, hindering an unambiguous quantification of DNA damage and of radiation effectiveness. The proposed modelling approach allows to simulate the observer's point of view for foci scoring, mimicking the selection of a slice Δz of the cell nucleus due to the microscope depth of field, and applying a clustering algorithm to group together damages within a resolution parameter r. Calculation results were benchmarked with experimental measurements at an early time-point for mouse breast cancer cells, irradiated with X-ray doses in the range 0-5 Gy. The model is able to reproduce the saturation in experimental data.