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Tromsdorf, U.I.* ; Bigall, N.C.* ; Kaul, M.G.* ; Bruns, O.T. ; Nikolic, M.S.* ; Mollwitz, B.* ; Sperling, R.A.* ; Reimer, R.* ; Hohenberg, H.* ; Parak, W.J.* ; Förster, S.C.* ; Beisiegel, U.* ; Adam, G.* ; Weller, H.*

Size and surface effects on the MRI relaxivity of manganese ferrite nanoparticle contrast agents.

Nano Lett. 7, 2422-2427 (2007)
Open Access Green möglich sobald Postprint bei der ZB eingereicht worden ist.
Superparamagnetic MnFe2O4 nanocrystals of different sizes were synthesized in high-boiling ether solvent and transferred into water using three different approaches. First, we applied a ligand exchange in order to form a water soluble polymer shell. Second, the particles were embedded into an amphiphilic polymer shell. Third, the nanoparticles were embedded into large micelles formed by lipids. Although all approaches lead to effective negative contrast enhancement, we observed significant differences concerning the magnitude of this effect. The transverse relaxivity, in particular r2*, is greatly higher for the micellar system compared to the polymer-coated particles using same-sized nanoparticles. We also observed an increase in transverse relaxivities with increasing particle size for the polymer-coated nanocrystals. The results are qualitatively compared with theoretical models describing the dependence of relaxivity on the size of magnetic spheres.
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Publikationstyp Artikel: Journalartikel
Dokumenttyp Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
ISSN (print) / ISBN 1530-6984
e-ISSN 1530-6992
Zeitschrift Nano Letters
Quellenangaben Band: 7, Heft: 8, Seiten: 2422-2427 Artikelnummer: , Supplement: ,
Verlag American Chemical Society (ACS)
Nichtpatentliteratur Publikationen
Begutachtungsstatus Peer reviewed
Institut(e) Helmholtz Pioneer Campus (HPC)