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Vogl, A.M.* ; Phu, L.* ; Becerra, R.* ; Giusti, S.A.* ; Verschueren, E.* ; Hinkle, T.B.* ; Bordenave, M.D.* ; Adrian, M.* ; Heidersbach, A.* ; Yankilevich, P.* ; Stefani, F.D.* ; Wurst, W. ; Hoogenraad, C.C.* ; Kirkpatrick, D.S.* ; Refojo, D.* ; Sheng, M.*

Publisher Correction: Global site-specific neddylation profiling reveals that NEDDylated cofilin regulates actin dynamics (Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, (2020), 27, 2, (210-220), 10.1038/s41594-019-0370-3).

Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., DOI: 10.1038/s41594-020-0395-7 (2020)
Open Access Green möglich sobald Postprint bei der ZB eingereicht worden ist.
In the version of this article initially published online, in Fig. 6d, the third and fourth bars were incorrectly labeled “DMSO + cytochrome D” and “MLN4924 + cytochrome D,” respectively. They should have been labeled “DMSO + cytochalasin D” and “MLN4924 + cytochalasin D,” respectively. The errors have been corrected in the print, PDF and HTML versions of the article.
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Publikationstyp Sonstiges: Korrektur, Ergänzung
ISSN (print) / ISBN 1545-9993
e-ISSN 1545-9985
Verlag Nature Publishing Group
Verlagsort New York, NY
Nichtpatentliteratur Publikationen
Begutachtungsstatus Peer reviewed