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Braun, M.* ; Müller, B.* ; ter Meer, D.* ; Raffegerst, S.H. ; Simm, B.* ; Wilde, S.* ; Spranger, S.* ; Ellwart, J.* ; Mosetter, B.* ; Umansky, L.* ; Lerchl, T.* ; Schendel, D.J. ; Falk, C.S.*

The CD6 scavenger receptor is differentially expressed on a CD56 natural killer cell subpopulation and contributes to natural killer-derived cytokine and chemokine secretion.

J. Innate Immun. 3, 420-434 (2011)
The CD6 scavenger receptor is known to be expressed on virtually all T cells and is supposed to be involved in costimulation, synapse formation, thymic selection and leukocyte migration. Here, we demonstrate that CD6 is differentially expressed by a subpopulation of peripheral CD56(dim) natu- ral killer (NK) cells and absent on CD56(bright) NK cells. CD56(dim)CD16(+) cells represent the major NK subset in the periphery, and most cells within this group are positive for CD6. Most killer immunoglobulin-like receptor- and immunoglobulin-like transcript-positive cells also belong to the CD6(+) subpopulation, as expected from their restricted expression on CD56(dim) NK cells. In addition, CD6(+) NK cells are similar to the newly identified CD94(low)CD56(dim) NK subpopulation and most distant from the recently defined CD27(+) NK subpopulation based on the reverse correlation of expression between CD6 and CD27, a marker associated primarily with CD56(bright) NK cells. With respect to CD6 function on NK cells, direct CD6 triggering did not result in degranulation but induced secretion of cytokines (interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor-α) and chemokines [CXCL10 (IP-10), CXCL1 (GRO-α)]. Thus, CD6 expression on peripheral NK cells marks a novel CD56(dim) subpopulation associated with distinct patterns of cytokine and chemokine secretion.
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Publikationstyp Artikel: Journalartikel
Dokumenttyp Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
Schlagwörter CD6; Chemokines; Cytokines; Natural killer cells; Natural killer subpopulations; Scavenger receptor
ISSN (print) / ISBN 1662-811X
e-ISSN 1662-8128
Quellenangaben Band: 3, Heft: 4, Seiten: 420-434 Artikelnummer: , Supplement: ,
Verlag Karger
Nichtpatentliteratur Publikationen
Begutachtungsstatus Peer reviewed