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Shimizu, K.K.* ; Copetti, D.* ; Okada, M.* ; Wicker, T.* ; Tameshige, T.* ; Hatakeyama, M.* ; Shimizu-Inatsugi, R.* ; Aquino, C.* ; Nishimura, K.* ; Kobayashi, F.* ; Murata, K.* ; Kuo, T.* ; Delorean, E.* ; Poland, J.* ; Haberer, G. ; Spannagl, M. ; Mayer, K.F.X. ; Gutierrez-Gonzalez, J.* ; Muehlbauer, G.J.* ; Monat, C.* ; Himmelbach, A.* ; Padmarasu, S.* ; Mascher, M.* ; Walkowiak, S.* ; Nakazaki, T.* ; Ban, T.* ; Kawaura, K.* ; Tsuji, H.* ; Pozniak, C.* ; Stein, N.* ; Sese, J.* ; Nasuda, S.* ; Handa, H.*

De novo genome assembly of the Japanese wheat cultivar norin 61 highlights functional variation in flowering time and fusarium resistance genes in East Asian genotypes.

Plant Cell Physiol. 62, 8-27 (2021)
Verlagsversion Postprint Forschungsdaten DOI PMC
Open Access Gold (Paid Option)
Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Bread wheat is a major crop that has long been the focus of basic and breeding research. Assembly of its genome has been difficult because of its large size and allohexaploid nature (AABBDD genome). Following the first reported assembly of the genome of the experimental strain Chinese Spring (CS), the 10+ Wheat Genomes Project was launched to produce multiple assemblies of worldwide modern cultivars. The only Asian cultivar in the project is Norin 61, a representative Japanese cultivar adapted to grow across a broad latitudinal range, mostly characterized by a wet climate and a short growing season. Here, we characterize key aspects of its chromosome-scale genome assembly spanning 15 Gb with a raw scaffold N50 of 23 Mb. Analysis of the repetitive elements identified chromosomal regions unique to Norin 61 that encompass a tandem array of the pathogenesis-related-13 family. We report novel copy-number variations in the B homeolog of the florigen gene FT1/VRN3, pseudogenization of its D homeolog, and the association of its A homeologous alleles with the spring/winter growth habit. Further, the Norin 61 genome carries typical East Asian functional variants from CS ranging from a single nucleotide to multi-Mb scale. Examples of such variation are the Fhb1 locus, which confers Fusarium head-blight resistance, Ppd-D1a, which confers early flowering, Glu-D1f for Asian noodle quality, and Rht-D1b, which introduced semi-dwarfism during the green revolution. The adoption of Norin 61 as a reference assembly for functional and evolutionary studies will enable comprehensive characterization of the underexploited Asian bread wheat diversity.
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Publikationstyp Artikel: Journalartikel
Dokumenttyp Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
Schlagwörter Adaptation ; Asian Germplasm ; Bread Wheat ; Genome Assembly ; Norin 61 ; Polyploidy; Pseudo-response-regulator; Triticum-aestivum L.; Hexaploid Wheat; Chromosome 2d; Heading Time; Growth Habit; Spring Wheat; Short Arm; Photoperiod; Glutenin
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0032-0781
e-ISSN 1471-9053
Quellenangaben Band: 62, Heft: 1, Seiten: 8-27 Artikelnummer: , Supplement: ,
Verlag Oxford University Press
Verlagsort Oxford
Nichtpatentliteratur Publikationen
Begutachtungsstatus Peer reviewed
Förderungen Viterra and Manitoba Wheat and Barley Growers Association
MEXT KAKENHI The Birth of New Plant Species
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSC) grant
NCCR Evolving Language
Swiss National Science Foundation
National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) Vice President Fund
NBRP Genome Information Upgrading Project 2017, AMED
Alberta Wheat Commission
Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission
Government of Saskatchewan
Western Grains Research Foundation
Genome Prairie
Canadian Triticum Applied Genomics research project (CTAG2) - Genome Canada
German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
University of Zurich Research Priority Program Evolution in Action