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Verma, H.K. ; Bhaskar, L.V.K.S.*

Gender differences in the relationship between alcohol consumption and gastric cancer risk are uncertain and not well-delineated.

World J. Gastroenterol. 13, 2216-2218 (2021)
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The role of alcoholic and other beverage consumption in the etiology of gastric cancer is unknown. Several studies have summarized and established a significant association between heavy alcohol consumption and gastric cancer risk, but evidence on alcohol-related cancer risk is conflicting.
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Publikationstyp Artikel: Journalartikel
Dokumenttyp Letter to the Editor
Schlagwörter Alcohol ; Alcohol Consumption ; Gastric Cancer ; Gender And Alcohol Intake ; Meta-analysis; Drinking; Metaanalysis
ISSN (print) / ISBN 1007-9327
e-ISSN 2219-2840
Quellenangaben Band: 13, Heft: 12, Seiten: 2216-2218 Artikelnummer: , Supplement: ,
Verlag WJG Press
Verlagsort 7041 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 160, Pleasanton, Ca, United States
Nichtpatentliteratur Publikationen
Begutachtungsstatus Peer reviewed