PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München

Ravichandran, M.* ; Winter, J. ; Bartzsch, S. ; Zimmermann, M.*

Material selection for extreme thermo-mechanical loads using design space projection: A concept study for an ultra-high power X-Ray source.

In: (DS 118: Proceedings of NordDesign 2022, 16-18 August 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark). 2022. accepted (Proceedings of NordDesign 2022: How Product and Manufacturing Design Enable Sustainable Companies and Societies)
Material selection is one of the key steps in the concept design phase. It may be challenging due to circular dependencies. An optimal choice of material depends on the yet-to-be-determined geometry and vice versa. Commonly used material selection methods like Ashby’s chart (M.F.Ashby 1992) may not be applicable since it considers only one requirement at a time. Using the properties of materials as design variables and solving it as an optimization problem may lead to solutions that are practically infeasible materials. This paper proposes a novel method to select the material and size for a design problem using design space projection. The method involves formulating a mathematical model to evaluate the quantities of interest as a function of materials properties and key geometrical parameters. The quantities of interest are used to determine whether the thermal and mechanical requirements are satisfied. They are used in the method to create projected design spaces with good designs and are used as to tool to evaluate whether a given material and corresponding size would satisfy the requirements. The method is applied to the thermo-structural problem of target wheel design for an ultra-high power x-ray source with multiple requirements. The results indicate that the existing design configuration and materials of common x-ray tube targets could be potentially used for an ultrahigh-power specification of 1.5 MW, with only the size and angular speed being scaled up. The paper also presents results from the application of the method to specific common materials to arrive at the smallest possible sizing of the target wheel. The results produced using the method indicate the theoretical feasibility of an x-ray target wheel design with MW scale power specifications and common materials, for novel applications like microbeam cancer therapy.
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Publikationstyp Artikel: Konferenzbeitrag
Schlagwörter Circular Dependency ; Design Space Projection ; Material Selection ; Radiation Therapy
Konferenztitel DS 118: Proceedings of NordDesign 2022
Konferzenzdatum 16-18 August 2022
Konferenzort Copenhagen, Denmark
Nichtpatentliteratur Publikationen