In the published article, there was an error in the author list, and author Fiona Henkel was erroneously excluded. The corrected author list appears below. Ann-Marie Maier1, Karsten Huth1, Francesca Alessandrini1, Fiona Henkel1, Benjamin Schnautz1, Anela Arifovic1, Fabien Riols2, Mark Haid2, Anja Koegler3, Katrin Sameith3, Carsten B Schmidt-Weber1,4, Julia Esser-von-Bieren1,5, Caspar Ohnmacht1 Fiona Henkel is therefore removed from the Acknowledgments. The corrected Acknowledgments appears below. We thank Johanna Grosch for help with the preparation of histology slides. New author Fiona Henkel is now part of the Author contributions. The corrected Author contributions statement appears below. A-MM performed most experiments and data analysis. KH, FA, BS and AA contributed to experiments and analysis. FH, FR and MH performed LC-MS/MS measurements. AK and KS performed bioinformatic analysis. CS-W and JE-B co-supervised the study. CO supervised the study, performed data interpretation, acquired funding and wrote the manuscript with input from all co-authors. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated.