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Kanoni, S.* ; Nettleton, J.A.* ; Hivert, M.F.* ; Ye, Z.* ; van Rooij, F.J.* ; Shungin, D.* ; Sonestedt, E.* ; Ngwa, J.S.* ; Wojczynski, M.K.* ; Lemaitre, R.N.* ; Gustafsson, S.* ; Anderson, J.S.* ; Tanaka, T.* ; Hindy, G.* ; Saylor, G.* ; Renström, F.* ; Bennett, A.J.* ; van Duijn, C.M.* ; Florez, J.C* ; Fox, C.S.* ; Hofman, A.* ; Hoogeveen, R.C.* ; Houston, D.K.* ; Hu, F.B.* ; Jacques, P.F.* ; Johansson, I.* ; Lind, L.* ; Liu, Y.* ; McKeown, N.* ; Ordovas, J.* ; Pankow, J.S.* ; Sijbrands, E.J.* ; Syvanen, A.C.* ; Uitterlinden, A.G.* ; Yannakoulia, M.* ; Zillikens, M.C.* ; MAGIC Investigators (Gieger, C. ; Grallert, H. ; Meisinger, C. ; Wichmann, H.-E. ; Illig, T.) ; Wareham, N.J.* ; Prokopenko, I.* ; Bandinelli, S.* ; Forouhi, N.G.* ; Cupples, L.A.* ; Loos, R.J.* ; Hallmans, G.* ; Dupuis, J.* ; Langenberg, C.* ; Ferrucci, L.* ; Kritchevsky, S.B.* ; McCarthy, M.I.* ; Ingelsson, E.* ; Borecki, I.B.* ; Witteman, J.C.* ; Orho-Melander, M.* ; Siscovick, D.S.* ; Meigs, J.B.* ; Franks, P.W.* ; Dedoussis, G.V.*

Total zinc intake may modify the glucose-raising effect of a zinc transporter (SLC30A8) variant: A 14-cohort meta-analysis.

Diabetes 60, 2407-2416 (2011)
Open Access Green möglich sobald Postprint bei der ZB eingereicht worden ist.
Many genetic variants have been associated with glucose homeostasis and type 2 diabetes in genome-wide association studies. Zinc is an essential micronutrient that is important for β-cell function and glucose homeostasis. We tested the hypothesis that zinc intake could influence the glucose-raising effect of specific variants. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We conducted a 14-cohort meta-analysis to assess the interaction of 20 genetic variants known to be related to glycemic traits and zinc metabolism with dietary zinc intake (food sources) and a 5-cohort meta-analysis to assess the interaction with total zinc intake (food sources and supplements) on fasting glucose levels among individuals of European ancestry without diabetes. RESULTS: We observed a significant association of total zinc intake with lower fasting glucose levels (β-coefficient ± SE per 1 mg/day of zinc intake: -0.0012 ± 0.0003 mmol/L, summary P value = 0.0003), while the association of dietary zinc intake was not significant. We identified a nominally significant interaction between total zinc intake and the SLC30A8 rs11558471 variant on fasting glucose levels (β-coefficient ± SE per A allele for 1 mg/day of greater total zinc intake: -0.0017 ± 0.0006 mmol/L, summary interaction P value = 0.005); this result suggests a stronger inverse association between total zinc intake and fasting glucose in individuals carrying the glucose-raising A allele compared with individuals who do not carry it. None of the other interaction tests were statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that higher total zinc intake may attenuate the glucose-raising effect of the rs11558471 SLC30A8 (zinc transporter) variant. Our findings also support evidence for the association of higher total zinc intake with lower fasting glucose levels.
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Publikationstyp Artikel: Journalartikel
Dokumenttyp Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
Schlagwörter Genome-wide association; Gene-environment interactions; Risk Loci; Insulin-resistance; Cell-function; Homeostasis; Supplementation; ZNT8; Polymorphisms; Expression
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0012-1797
e-ISSN 1939-327X
Zeitschrift Diabetes
Quellenangaben Band: 60, Heft: 9, Seiten: 2407-2416 Artikelnummer: , Supplement: ,
Verlag American Diabetes Association
Verlagsort Alexandria, VA.
Nichtpatentliteratur Publikationen
Begutachtungsstatus Peer reviewed