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Wan, X.* ; Wisskirchen, K.* ; Jin, T.* ; Yang, L.* ; Wang, X.* ; Wu, X.* ; Liu, F.* ; Wu, Y.* ; Ma, C.* ; Pang, Y.* ; Li, Q.* ; Zhang, K.* ; Protzer, U. ; Du, S.*

Genetically redirected HBV-specific T cells target HBsAg-positive hepatocytes and primary lesions in HBV-associated HCC.

Clin. Mol. Hepatol. 30, 735-755 (2024)
Verlagsversion DOI PMC
Open Access Gold
Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: HBV-DNA integration in HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HBV-HCC) can be targeted by HBV-specific T cells. SCG101 is an autologous, HBV-specific T-cell product expressing a T-cell receptor (TCR) after lentiviral transduction recognizing the envelope-derived peptide (S20-28) on HLA-A2. We here validated its safety and efficacy preclinically and applied it in an HBV-related HCC patient (NCT05339321). METHODS: GMP-grade manufactured cells were assessed for off-target reactivity and functionality against hepatoma cells. Subsequently, a patient with advanced HBV-HCC (Child-Pugh:A, BCLC:B, ECOG:0, HBeAg-, serum HBsAg+, hepatocytes 10% HBsAg+) received 7.9x107 cells/kg after lymphodepletion. Safety, T-cell persistence, and antiviral and antitumor efficacy were evaluated. RESULTS: SCG101, produced at high numbers in a closed-bag system, showed HBV-specific functionality against HBV-hepatoma cells in vitro and in vivo. Clinically, treatment was well tolerated, and all adverse events, including transient hepatic damage, were reversible. On day 3, ALT levels increased to 1404 U/ml, and concurrently, serum HBsAg started decreasing by 3.84log and remained <1 IU/ml for over six months. HBsAg expressing hepatocytes in liver biopsies were undetectable after73 days. The patient achieved a partial response according to mRECIST score with a >70% reduction of target lesion size. Transferred T cells expanded, developed a stem cell-like memory phenotype, and were still detectable after six months in the patient's blood. CONCLUSIONS: SCG101 T-cell therapy showed encouraging efficacy and safety in pre-clinical models and in a patient with primary HBV-HCC and concomitant chronic hepatitis B with the capability to eliminate HBsAg+ cells and achieve sustained tumor control after single dosing.
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Publikationstyp Artikel: Journalartikel
Dokumenttyp Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
Schlagwörter Hbv-induced Hcc ; T Cell Receptor ; Adoptive Cell Therapy ; Chronic Hepatitis B ; Immunotherapy
ISSN (print) / ISBN 2287-2728
e-ISSN 2287-285X
Quellenangaben Band: 30, Heft: 4, Seiten: 735-755 Artikelnummer: , Supplement: ,
Verlag Korean Association for the Study of the Liver
Nichtpatentliteratur Publikationen
Begutachtungsstatus Peer reviewed