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Perez-Frances, M.* ; Bru-Tari, E.* ; Cohrs, C.M. ; Abate, M.V.* ; van Gurp, L.* ; Furuyama, K.* ; Speier, S. ; Thorel, F.* ; Herrera, P.L.*

Regulated and adaptive in vivo insulin secretion from islets only containing β-cells.

Nat. Metab. 3, 1791-1806 (2024)
Verlagsversion DOI PMC
Open Access Gold (Paid Option)
Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Insulin-producing β-cells in pancreatic islets are regulated by systemic cues and, locally, by adjacent islet hormone-producing 'non-β-cells' (namely α-cells, δ-cells and γ-cells). Yet whether the non-β-cells are required for accurate insulin secretion is unclear. Here, we studied mice in which adult islets are exclusively composed of β-cells and human pseudoislets containing only primary β-cells. Mice lacking non-β-cells had optimal blood glucose regulation, enhanced glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity and restricted body weight gain under a high-fat diet. The insulin secretion dynamics in islets composed of only β-cells was comparable to that in intact islets. Similarly, human β-cell pseudoislets retained the glucose-regulated mitochondrial respiration, insulin secretion and exendin-4 responses of entire islets. The findings indicate that non-β-cells are dispensable for blood glucose homeostasis and β-cell function. These results support efforts aimed at developing diabetes treatments by generating β-like clusters devoid of non-β-cells, such as from pluripotent stem cells differentiated in vitro or by reprograming non-β-cells into insulin producers in situ.
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Publikationstyp Artikel: Journalartikel
Dokumenttyp Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
ISSN (print) / ISBN 2522-5812
e-ISSN 2522-5812
Zeitschrift Nature metabolism
Quellenangaben Band: 3, Heft: 9, Seiten: 1791-1806 Artikelnummer: , Supplement: ,
Verlag Springer
Verlagsort London
Nichtpatentliteratur Publikationen
Begutachtungsstatus Peer reviewed
Institut(e) Institute for Pancreatic Beta Cell Research (IPI)