The authors regret that there are two errors regarding citation and reference list in the above-mentioned article. 1. An incorrect reference number was used for in-text citation. The correction is as follows:Page 8: Incorrect: Luther et al. [20] further reported that Aldo infusion over 3 days resulted in increased sEH expression in adipose tissue of mice. Correct: Luther et al. [17] further reported that Aldo infusion over 3 days resulted in increased sEH expression in adipose tissue of mice. 2. Additionally, we observed an error in the reference list.Reference 24: The title of the article was cited incorrectly. Incorrect: K. Node, Y. Huo, X. Ruan, B. Yang, M. Spiecker, K. Ley, D.C. Zeldin, J.K. Liao, Anti-inflammatory properties of derived eicosanoids, Science 285 (1999) 1276–1280. Correct: K. Node, Y. Huo, X. Ruan, B. Yang, M. Spiecker, K. Ley, D.C. Zeldin, J.K. Liao, Anti-inflammatory properties of cytochrome P450 epoxygenase-derived eicosanoids, Science 285 (1999) 1276–1280. The authors apologize for any inconvenience these errors may have caused. The online version of the article has been corrected to reflect these changes.