Appropriate neurogenesis and patterning of the forebrain requires the transcription factor Pax6, yet it is largely unknown how Pax6 exerts its effects at the molecular level. To characterize Pax6-mediated regulation of gene expression during murine forebrain neurogenesis, we performed microarray analysis with tissue from the dorsal Pax6-dependent telencephalon and the ventral Pax6-negative telencephalon at the onset of neurogenesis (E12) and at mid-neurogenesis (E15) in wild-type and Pax6-deficient mutant littermates. In the Pax6-deficient cortex the expression levels of various transcription factors involved in neurogenesis (like Satb2, Nfia, AP-2gamma, NeuroD6, Ngn2, Tbr2, Bhlhb5) and the retinoic acid signalling molecule Rlbp1 were reduced. Regulation by Pax6 could be confirmed upon electroporation of a Pax6- and a dominant-negative Pax6-containing vector into embryonic cortex. Taken together, our data reveal novel insights into the molecular pathways regulated by Pax6 during cortical neurogenesis. Most intriguingly, this analysis revealed time- and region-specific differences in Pax6-mediated transcription, explaining the specific function of Pax6 at early and later stages of neurogenesis.