Numerous studies from Europe and North ' America, but also from other continents, have: shown harmful effects of (particulate) air: pollutants on human health in recent years. The health effects range from respiratory impairments and initial cardiovascular symptoms to increased medication intake, chronic respiratory problems, hospital admissions and even death, mainly due: to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Almost; all organs, organ systems and processes in the human body can be affected. Although air quality has already been greatty improved in some regions, other cities and regions still suffer from increased air pollution. In addition, the interplay between air pollution and weather and climate is complex - there is a great need for research into the combined health effects, but also on the exposure side considering the influence of these environmental factors on one another. The EU's EXHAUSTION project aims to fill these gaps by addressing the impacts of climate change, extreme heat, air pollution and human health in Europe, as well as the overall socio-economic consequences of these effects.