In: Practical Handbook on the 3Rs in the Context of the Directive 2010/63/EU. 2021. 81-111 (Practical Handbook on the 3Rs in the Context of the Directive 2010/63/EU)
The aim of this chapter is to provide the reader with guidance and relevant sources related to implementation of animal welfare in husbandry practices, design, and daily operations of animal facility. Specifically, the authors aim to address the following key requirements as indicated in the Directive 2010/63:- To indicate how good welfare can promote good science, e.g., how the failure to attend to biological and behavioral needs may affect the outcome of procedures. - To indicate how husbandry and care may influence experimental outcome and the number of animals needed, e.g., example where the place in the room influences the outcome, hence randomization. - To describe the dietary requirements of the relevant animal species and explain how these can be met. - To describe the importance of providing an enriched environment (appropriate to both the species and the science) including social housing and opportunities for exercise, resting, and sleeping. - To describe suitable routines and husbandry practices for the maintenance, care, and welfare for a range of animals used in research, to include small laboratory species and large animal species where appropriate. - To describe suitable environmental and housing conditions for laboratory animals, how conditions are monitored, and identify the consequences for the animal resulting from inappropriate environmental conditions. - To recognize that changes to or disruption of circadian or photoperiod can effect animals. - To describe the biological consequences of acclimatization, habituation, and training. - To describe how to provide water and an appropriate diet for laboratory animals including the sourcing, storage, and presentation of suitable foodstuffs and water.