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Friedrich, U.A. ; Bienias, M.* ; Zinke, C.* ; Prazenicova, M.* ; Lohse, J.* ; Jahn, A.* ; Menzel, M.* ; Langanke, J.* ; Walter, C.* ; Wagener, R.* ; Brozou, T.* ; Varghese, J.* ; Dugas, M.* ; Erlacher, M.* ; Schrock, E.* ; Suttorp, M.* ; Borkhardt, A.* ; Hauer, J.* ; Auer, F.*

A clinical screening tool to detect genetic cancer predisposition in pediatric oncology shows high sensitivity but can miss a substantial percentage of affected children.

Genet. Med. 25:100875 (2023)
Verlagsversion DOI PMC
Open Access Gold (Paid Option)
Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
PURPOSE: Clinical checklists are the standard of care to determine whether a child with cancer shows indications for genetic testing. Nevertheless, the efficacy of these tests to reliably detect genetic cancer predisposition in children with cancer is still insufficiently investigated. METHODS: We assessed the validity of clinically recognizable signs to identify cancer predisposition by correlating a state-of-the-art clinical checklist to the corresponding exome sequencing analysis in an unselected single-center cohort of 139 child-parent data sets. RESULTS: In total, one-third of patients had a clinical indication for genetic testing according to current recommendations, and 10.1% (14 of 139) of children harbored a cancer predisposition. Of these, 71.4% (10 of 14) were identified through the clinical checklist. In addition, >2 clinical findings in the checklist increased the likelihood to identifying genetic predisposition from 12.5% to 50%. Furthermore, our data revealed a high rate of genetic predisposition (40%, 4 of 10) in myelodysplastic syndrome cases, while no (likely) pathogenic variants were identified in the sarcoma and lymphoma group. CONCLUSION: In summary, our data show high checklist sensitivity, particularly in identifying childhood cancer predisposition syndromes. Nevertheless, the checklist used here also missed 29% of children with a cancer predisposition, highlighting the drawbacks of sole clinical evaluation and underlining the need for routine germline sequencing in pediatric oncology.
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Publikationstyp Artikel: Journalartikel
Dokumenttyp Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
Schlagwörter Clinical Checklists ; Genetic Testing ; Germline Cancer Predisposition ; Pediatric Cancer ; Trio Sequencing; Variants
ISSN (print) / ISBN 1530-0366
e-ISSN 1098-3600
Zeitschrift Genetics in Medicine
Quellenangaben Band: 25, Heft: 8, Seiten: , Artikelnummer: 100875 Supplement: ,
Verlag Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Verlagsort Baltimore, Md.
Nichtpatentliteratur Publikationen
Begutachtungsstatus Peer reviewed
Institut(e) Institute of Pancreatic Islet Research (IPI)
Sonnenstrahl e.V. Dresden -~Forderkreis fur krebskranke Kinder und Jugendliche
Mitteldeutsche Kinderkrebsforschung
Menschen fur Kinder e.V.
German Cancer Aid (Deutsche Krebshilfe, DKH) Exzellenz Forderprorgamm fur etablierte Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler
ERA Per Med.JTC 2018 "GEPARD"