To enhance understanding of the airflow characteristics in the human respiratory system during realistic inspiration, we investigated the airflow field in a human upper airway model using large eddy simulation and the dynamic grid method, taking into account clinically measured inspiratory characteristics. The results reveal the following novel findings: (1) The laryngeal jet and recirculation zone exhibit significant unsteadiness, with their dynamic characteristics primarily influenced by the transient inspiration flow rate and glottis motion. This pattern holds true for other airflow characteristics as well. (2) Glottis expansion reduces the energy consumed during inhalation for both steady and unsteady inspiratory flow rates, with the degree of expansion being directly related to the reduction in energy. We can accurately predict power loss by considering the glottis area and inspiratory flow rate. (3) Analysis of spectral entropy clearly demonstrates that the flow transitions from the laminar to turbulence earlier when using clinical inspiration data. Turbulence intensity in the trachea increases when either glottis motion or the transient inspiratory is ignored. In conclusion, the airflow dynamics are significantly more unsteady compared to cases where we ignore either glottis motion or the transient inspiratory flow rate. A precise understanding of realistic respiratory airflow cannot be achieved by assuming either a rigid glottis or a steady inspiration pattern. Therefore, it is crucial to use accurate inspiratory data when studying the properties of airflow structures in the human respiratory system. Moreover, incorporating more physiological data is also essential to obtain realistic respiratory airflow characteristics.