Low income, being without employment, and living alone: How they are associated with cognitive functioning-Results from the German national cohort (NAKO).
Aim was to investigate to what extent cognitive functioning differs by three socioeconomic conditions: low income, being without employment, and living alone. A total of N = 158,144 participants of the population-based German National Cohort (NAKO) provided data on socioeconomic conditions and completed cognitive tests. Multivariable confounder-adjusted regression analyses indicated that cognitive functioning was lower in those with low income (b = -0.21) compared to not having low income, living alone (b = -0.04) compared to not living alone, and being without employment (b = -0.09) compared to being employed. An interaction with age indicated that the difference in cognitive functioning was getting larger with age between the income groups and living alone status groups. Accordingly, the three conditions appear independently associated with poorer cognitive functioning. Pathways of how cognitive health in this population group can be improved need to be explored.