PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


29 Datensätze gefunden.
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Dunot, J.* et al.: APP fragment controls both ionotropic and non-ionotropic signaling of NMDA receptors. Neuron, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2024.05.027 (2024)
Krontira, A.C.* et al.: Human cortical neurogenesis is altered via glucocorticoid-mediated regulation of ZBTB16 expression. Neuron 112, 1426-1443.e11 (2024)
Sonsalla, G. et al.: Direct neuronal reprogramming of NDUFS4 patient cells identifies the unfolded protein response as a novel general reprogramming hurdle. Neuron 112, 1117-1132.e9 (2024)
Vinopal, S.* et al.: Centrosomal microtubule nucleation regulates radial migration of projection neurons independently of polarization in the developing brain. Neuron 111, 1241-1263.e16 (2023)
Bocchi, R. ; Masserdotti, G. & Götz, M.: Direct neuronal reprogramming: Fast forward from new concepts toward therapeutic approaches. Neuron 110, 366-393 (2022)
Harbauer, A.B.* et al.: Neuronal mitochondria transport Pink1 mRNA via synaptojanin 2 to support local mitophagy. Neuron 110, 1516-1531.e9 (2022)
Lopez, J.P.* et al.: Ketamine exerts its sustained antidepressant effects via cell-type-specific regulation of Kcnq2. Neuron 110, 2283-2298.e9 (2022)
Zhao, N.* et al.: Alzheimer's risk factors age, APOE genotype, and sex drive distinct. 3 molecular pathways. Neuron 106, 727-742 (2020)
Mattugini, N. et al.: Inducing different neuronal subtypes from astrocytes in the injured mouse cerebral cortex. Neuron 103, 1086-1095.e5 (2019)
Götz, M.:   Q&A Magdalena Götz Neuron 98, 1069-1071 (2018)
Nicolas, A.* et al.: Genome-wide analyses identify KIF5A as a novel ALS gene. Neuron 97, 1268-1283.e6 (2018)
Oexle, K. & Winkelmann, J.: Common grounds for family maladies. Neuron 98, 671-672 (2018)
Schäffner, I.* et al.: FoxO function is essential for maintenance of autophagic flux and neuronal morphogenesis in adult neurogenesis. Neuron 99, 1188-1203.e6 (2018)
Beckervordersandforth, R.* et al.: Role of mitochondrial metabolism in the control of early lineage progression and aging phenotypes in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Neuron 93, 560-573.e6 (2017)
Beckervordersandforth, R.* et al.: Role of mitochondrial metabolism in the control of early lineage progression and aging phenotypes in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Neuron 93, 1518 (2017)
Falk, S. ; Ninkovic, J. ; Pilz, G.A. & Götz, M.: Time-specific effects of spindle positioning on embryonic progenitor pool composition and adult neural stem cell seeding. Neuron 93, 777-791.e3 (2017)
Lefort, S. ; Tschöp, M.H. & García-Cáceres, C.: A synaptic basis for GLP-1 action in the brain. Neuron 96, 713-715 (2017)
Ovsepian, S.V. ; Olefir, I. ; Westmeyer, G.G. ; Razansky, D. & Ntziachristos, V.: Pushing the boundaries of neuroimaging with optoacoustics. Neuron 96, 966-988 (2017)
Telley, L.* et al.: Dual function of NRP1 in axon guidance and subcellular target recognition in cerebellum. Neuron 91, 1276-1291 (2016)
Bergami, M.* et al.: A critical period for experience-dependent remodeling of adult-born neuron connectivity. Neuron 85, 710-717 (2015)