PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


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Rosemann, M. et al.: Microphthalmia, parkinsonism, and enhanced nociception in Pitx3(416insG ) mice. Mamm. Genome 21, 13-27 (2010)
Abe, K. et al.: Genome-wide search for genes that modulate inflammatory arthritis caused by Ali18 mutation in mice. Mamm. Genome 20, 152-161 (2009)
Peters, D.D. et al.: Effect of IVF and laser zona dissection on DNA methylation pattern of mouse zygotes. Mamm. Genome 20, 664-673 (2009)
Pawlak, C.R.* et al.: A phenotype-driven ENU mutagenesis screen for the identification of dominant mutations involved in alcohol consumption. Mamm. Genome 19, 77-84 (2008)
Hancock, J.M. et al.: Integration of mouse phenome data resources. Mamm. Genome 18, 157-163 (2007)
Kallnik, M. et al.: Impact of IVC housing on emotionality and fear learning in male C3HeB/FeJ and C57BL/6J mice. Mamm. Genome 18, 173-186 (2007)
Abe, K.* ; Fuchs, H. ; Lisse, T.S. ; Hans, W. & Hrabě de Angelis, M.: New ENU-induced semidominant mutation, Ali18, causes inflammatory arthritis, dermatitis and osteoporosis in the mouse. Mamm. Genome 17, 915-926 (2006)
Klempt, M.* et al.: Genotype-specific environmental impact on the variance of blood values in inbred and F1 hybrid mice. Mamm. Genome 17, 93-102 (2006)
Puk, O. ; Dalke, C. ; Favor, J. ; Hrabě de Angelis, M. & Graw, J.: Variations of eye size parameters among different strains of mice. Mamm. Genome 17, 851-857 (2006)
Runkel, F.* et al.: Morphologic and molecular characterization of two novel Krt71 (Krt2-6g) mutations : Krt71(rco12) and Krt71(rco13). Mamm. Genome 17, 1172-1182 (2006)
Seltmann, M. et al.: Assessment of a systematic expression profiling approach in ENU-induced mouse mutant lines. Mamm. Genome 16, 1-10 (2005)
Wang, K.S.* ; Zahn, L.E.* ; Favor, J. ; Huang, K.M.* & Stambolian, D.*: Genetic and phenotypic analysis of Tcm, a mutation affecting early eye development. Mamm. Genome 16, 332-343 (2005)
Ahituv, N.* et al.: An ENU-induced mutation in AP-2alpha leads to middle ear and ocular defects in Doarad mice. Mamm. Genome 15, 424-432 (2004)
Lorenz-Depiereux, B. et al.: New intragenic deletions in the Phex gene clarify X-linked hypophosphatemia-related abnormalities in mice. Mamm. Genome 15, 151-161 (2004)
Piotrowska, K. et al.: Mapping of a novel MEN-like syndrome locus to rat Chromosome 4. Mamm. Genome 15, 135-141 (2004)
Rhodes, C.R.* et al.: A Myo7a mutation cosegregates with stereocilia defects and low-frequency hearing impairment. Mamm. Genome 15, 686-697 (2004)
Graw, J. et al.: V76D mutation in a conserved gammaD-crystallin region leads to dominant cataracts in mice. Mamm. Genome 13, 452-455 (2002)
Reinhard, C. et al.: Inbred strain variation in lung function. Mamm. Genome 13, 429-437 (2002)
Gailus-Durner, V. ; Scherf, M. & Werner, T.: Experimental data of a single promoter can be used for in silico detection of genes with related regulation in the absence of sequence similarity. Mamm. Genome 12, 67-72 (2001)