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Abbas, R.* et al.: ARTS and small-molecule ARTS mimetics upregulate p53 levels by promoting the degradation of XIAP. Apoptosis 29, 1145-1160 (2024)
Greve, B.* et al.: Multicentric investigation of ionising radiation-induced cell death as a predictive parameter of individual radiosensitivity. Apoptosis 14, 226-235 (2009)
Sagan, D. ; Mörtl, S. ; Müller, I. ; Eckardt-Schupp, F. & Eichholtz-Wirth, H.: Enhanced CD95-mediated apoptosis contributes to radiation hypersensitivity of NBS lymphoblasts. Apoptosis 12, 753-767 (2007)
Zeidler, R. ; Albermann, K.* & Lang, S.*: Nicotine and apoptosis. Apoptosis 12, 1927-1943 (2007)
Eichholtz-Wirth, H. & Sagan, D.: IkB/NF-kB mediated cisplatin resistance in HeLa cells after low-dose gamma-irradiation is associated with altered SODD expression. Apoptosis 5, 255-263 (2000)