PuSH - Publication Server of Helmholtz Zentrum München

Instructions for Searching the Institutional Repository PuSH

Quick access via the homepage

The PuSH homepage already offers you some simple research options:


Here you can enter a free term for which you want to search for publications in PuSH. The term can

  • be of a content-related nature for searching in titles, abstracts, keywords or tags.
  • be of an organizational nature for the search in institute names and WBS elements.
  • be a name or part of a name for the search in author or editor names.
  • describe the origin for the search in ISSNs, journal or conference titles or publisher names.

Browse by HMGU authors

View the publications of the authors currently working at the HMGU.

Browse by document class

Here you can search for specific document types. You can also select several types.

Browse according to organizational structure

Here you can search specifically for publications in individual research programmes, institutes, departments or KKGs. Multiple selection is possible by holding the Ctrl key.

Browse by year of publication

Here you can search for specific years of publication. Multiple selection is possible by holding the Ctrl key.

Browse by new publications

Here you can see the last publications registered in PuSH.

Advanced Search

The menu item "Advanced search" takes you to a search mask with a variety of options:

  • You can combine as many search terms as you like. To do this, enter each search term in an input field. If the number of input fields (standard 4) is not sufficient, you can generate additional input fields by clicking on "Add another search field".
  • To the left of the input fields is a selection list with the possible link operators. This is used to decide how the search term behind it is linked to the one above it.
  • Behind the input fields, the fields are listed in which you can search. By selecting them, you select the fields in which the respective search term is to be searched.
  • In the "Filter" area you can narrow down the search result by selecting only certain document types (multiple selection by holding down the Ctrl key), by specifying upper and lower values for the impact factor and the year of publication or by selecting conditions from the selection lists.
  • In the "Sorting" section you can define the order of search hits according to two criteria and specify the number of search hits per page. Caution: Large numbers of hits lead to long loading times.

Creating publication lists for the instituional homepage

A step-by-step guide for the TYPO3 element can be found here: TYPO3 publication list guide. Use the advanced search if you want to create an individual publication list. You can then insert it into TYPO3 using a generated code snippet.