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Aljani, B.* et al.: Gene expression profiles in placenta and their association with anesthesia, delivery mode and maternal diabetes. Placenta 158, 126-135 (2024)
Li, Z.-M. et al.: Placental distribution of endogenous and exogenous substances: A pilot study utilizing cryo-sampled specimen off delivery room. Placenta 100, 45-53 (2020)
Segura, M.T.* et al.: Maternal BMI and gestational diabetes alter placental lipid transporters and fatty acid composition. Placenta 57, 144-151 (2017)
Shen, H. et al.: Prenatal organochlorine pesticides in placentas from Finland: Exposure of male infants born during 1997-2001. Placenta 26, 512-514 (2005)