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Maqhuzu, P.N. et al.: Costs of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions in interstitial lung disease management in Germany. Respiration 101, 1015-1023 (2022)
Mayerhofer, B.* et al.: Deterioration and mortality risk of COPD patients not fitting into standard GOLD categories: Results of the COSYCONET Cohort. Respiration 100, 308-317 (2021)
Kopf, S.* et al.: Breathlessness and restrictive lung disease: AniImportant diabetes-related feature in patients with type 2 diabetes. Respiration 96, 29-40 (2018)
Bonella, F.* et al.: Insights from the German compassionate use program of nintedanib for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Respiration 92, 98-106 (2016)
Burgstaller, G.: Digging into 'the Rabbit-Hole' of the extracellular matrix. Respiration 89, 15-16 (2015)
Karrasch, S.* et al.: Spirometric reference values for advanced age from a South German population. Respiration 85, 210-219 (2013)
Königshoff, M.: Lung cancer in pulmonary fibrosis: Tales of epithelial cell plasticity. Respiration 81, 353-358 (2011)
Siekmeier, R. ; Buhl, R. ; Schultze- Werninghaus, G. & Kronenberger, H.: Unspecific bronchial reactivity to carbachol in healthy subjects - effect of age and smoking habits. Respiration 61, 199-203 (1994)
Costabel, U. ; Maier, K.L. ; Teschler, H. & Wang, Y.M.: Local immune components in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respiration 59, 17-19 (1990)